Maya Angelou
Poetin im Kampf für Bürgerrechte

Maya Angelou
von Chiara Vössing-Guth
von Chiara Vössing-Guth
A rainbow in darkness, dreary and gray,
A voice of hope, bold and free to say.
Inspired by dreams, by art and by might,
A touch of magic, gentle, out of sight.
A voice of hope, bold and free to say.
Inspired by dreams, by art and by might,
A touch of magic, gentle, out of sight.
For those whose souls seek hope in the night,
A rainbow in clouds, a gleam, a light.
A whisper of magic, soft and unknown,
A voice of hope, through the world it has flown.
A rainbow in clouds, a gleam, a light.
A whisper of magic, soft and unknown,
A voice of hope, through the world it has flown.
Maya Angelou war eine herausragende Schriftstellerin, Dichterin und Bürgerrechtlerin, die durch ihre kraftvollen Worte und Werke Millionen inspirierte. Ihre Kunst behandelte Themen wie Identität, Rassismus und Befreiung mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus Weisheit, Mut und Anmut.